Professional Information Resources
Every Child Your Pregnancy and Birth booklet
This is the first in the new Every Child series of booklets to replace Bump, Baby and Beyond. All first-time parents should be offered a copy of either the English or Welsh versions early in their pregnancies, preferably at the booking appointment.
To access the Welsh version of this digital booklet, click here. Hard copies of the English and Welsh version of this booklet can be ordered the Public Health Wales Health Information Resources page, or telephone 029 2010 4650 or email:
Click this link to access the digital version of Every Child Your Pregnancy and Birth
Health Professionals’ Guide to using the ‘Every Child Your Pregnancy and Birth’ booklet
This handy guide will provide you with background to the development of the new ‘Every Child Your Pregnancy and Birth’ booklet as well as guidance on how to use it to support your conversations with parents.
Please click above link to download or print a copy to refer back to when needed.
Every Child Newborn to age 2
This is the second in the new Every Child series of booklets. All first-time parents should be offered a copy of either the English or Welsh versions at the new baby or birth visit at 10-14 days after the birth.
To access the Welsh version of this digital booklet, click here. Hard copies of the English and Welsh version of this booklet can be ordered the Public Health Wales Health Information Resources page, or telephone 029 2010 4650 or email:
Click this link to access the digital version of Every Child Newborn to age 2
Health Professionals’ Guide to using the ‘Every Child Newborn to age 2’ booklet
This handy guide will provide you with background to the development of the new ‘Every Child Newborn to age 2′ booklet as well as guidance on how to use it to support your conversations with parents.
Health Professionals’ Guide
Please click above link to download or print a copy to refer back to when needed.
Aide Memoire to support use of Every Child Newborn to age 2
This handy aide memoire provides an at a glance guide to the book to support you to familiarise yourself with the content ahead of your visits with parents.
Aide Memoire
Please click above link to download or print a copy to refer back to when needed.